and other scenes from
Earth the garden, save the the earth...happy mother's day!!!!
Lower East Side, NYC
@ 11th Street NE Corner btw. 1st and Ave. A
Song for the Earth – Compost Ceremony
@ 12th Street btw. Aves A & B
Upcycling Dance by Artichoke Dance Company
Choreography: Lynn Neuman – Artichoke Dance Company
Dancer Credits: Shawn Brush and Genna Mergola
Artistic Director of Artichoke Dance Company founded in 1995. Artichoke has
held seventeen New York seasons and toured nationally and internationally.
Since 2005, the company has presented at Danspace Project at St. Mark’s
Church, PS122, 92nd Street Y, Dixon Place, American Theatre of
Actors, University Settlement and Symphony Space, as well as at festivals
including Fringe NYC, Dance/Now NYC, DUMBO Arts Festival, the Philadelphia
Fringe Festival, and the Piccolo Spoleto Festival. Since 2010 their work has
focused on environmental issues and included large-scale upcycling projects
rooted in community involvement and education.
@ 610 E. 12th Street (btw. Aves B & C)
Art & Science Sustainability Spectacular
@ 12th Street btw. Aves B & C
Poem For Sustainable Urban Agriculture by Steve Dalachinsky
@ 9th Street & Ave. C (NE corner)
‘Song for Solar’ by Lower East Side Girls Club Choir
THE LOWER EAST SIDE GIRLS CLUB (LESGC) is a non-profit organization on
the Lower East Side connecting girls and young women to healthy and
successful futures. With a state of- the- art center, it offers a safe haven with
programs in the arts, sciences, leadership, entrepreneurship, and wellness for
Middle and High School girls and their families. Programs are offered at no cost
to all. Our mission is to break the cycle of local poverty by training the next
generation of ethical, entrepreneurial and environmental leaders.
@ 9th Street & Ave. C (SW corner)
Hurricane Sandy and Birth of Climate Solutions – Gardens, Rivers, and the
Ecological City – Mythic Drama
Pollution Pick-Up – Jim Simopoulos
Pollution Pirates – Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space with Time’s Up
Birth of a Garden Dance – Maira Duarte – Dance to the People
Battle of Pollution Pirates & Climate Consequences with Climate Solutions Spirits
– Choreography by Martha Eddy – 55C Studio & Global Water Dances with Earth
Celebrations volunteers and Climate Refugees by Rolando Politi
Rehearsal Director: Emily Forche
Music: Deixe Fofocar – directed by Glenn Healy
forms of art making. It was formed in 2014 in NYC by Mexican dancer and
choreographer, Maira Duarte, with the goal of accessing unutilized spaces and
promoting a sustainable exchange of resources within the dance and
performance community. DTTP holds and organizes donation-based class
series, environmental dance research outings, performance parties, and forums.
Eddy, CMA, RSMT uses body consciousness to enhance our capacity to protect
water, and in turn the planet. She is a co-founder of the biennial worldwide environmental dance event that brought 60 countries together in June 2011 and now has 120 sites registered (and growing) on 6 continents for June 15, 2019. She directs Moving For Life in
NYC which offers free movement and wellness class in all five boroughs for older
adults and people of all ages in treatment or recovery from cancer. Moving For
Life has its office and provides arts & movement programming for all ages at 55C
Studio which MFL developed to be the Lower East Side’s center for Somatic
Movement and the Arts. Martha leads movement choirs for conferences and
brings Global Water Dances to environmental justice actions that focus on local
or global issues. She is author of Mindful Movement.
@ 8th Street btw. Aves B & C
Bio-Swale Serenade by Elizabeth Ruf
@ Ave C btw. 8th & 7th St.
@ 8th Street btw. Aves C & D
Rina Rinkewich, Rosita Roldan & Rafaella Spielberg performing “Butterfly At Heart”
Music: “Nigun Ha Lev (The Heart’s Melody)” composed and played by Shlomo Shai
New York City and internationally. She was the director of the dance company
Return of the Sun (1999-2012) which performed in Earth Celebrations, a Hudson
River Pageant in 2010 and 2012. Rina currently teaches and leads Israeli Dance
in Brooklyn, N.Y. | Israeli Dancing with Rina Rinkewich
@ 4th Street btw. Aves C & D
Song for Clean Air and Water by Ayo Harrington
@ 4th Street btw. Aves C & D
Wellness Ceremony – Lifestyles of Bioremediation, Symbiosis, Regenerative Culture, and Wellness
Soundscape: Tess Rose
MoS Regenerative Culture Village Center & EV Wellness Circle joined by Expressions of Regenerative Culture by Parsons Sustainable Systems students taught by Kimberly Tate and Maika’i Tubbs
Song for the Healing of the Earth by Marta Vi
with El Jardin del Paraiso Garden to convene with gardeners to design and
develop a sculptural work incorporating the gardens’ natural materials and bio-
remediation techniques of dirt fermented with effective microorganisms. The
sculpture dissolves in the river and serves to revitalize the polluted waterway.
She has developed bio-remediation art projects and educational workshops
engaging participants in the creation of “mudball” and “bio-spheres” made of dirt
fermented with microorganisms that improve health of soil and water. Her
workshops have been presented through artist Mary Mattingly’s SWALE, New
Museum, Waterfront Alliance, LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival and Harbor Lab and
events throughout New York City.
I first joined in 1999 with Elizabeth M and Brad W.
But really mom and dad showed me them in Bridgeboro, South Georgia,
Where we played outside all day.
We all connect with the dirt in our own ways.
We moved to Atlanta.
And the creek beckoned in the
And the bikes took us to secret places,
Vacant lots where we flew and
The city can be a green place.
If we plant enough gardens,
Mom taught me.
If we plant enough friends.
Met Caroline during the winter celebration in 2000.
And kept on joining when we could.
Brought the little one in 2004.
Watching the machines attack Gaia.
Could the earth mothers and butterflies survive?
The little one had to leave.
Blurring through time, I rode from Brooklyn to 6th street,
Thinking about Francoise Cachelin at Creative Little Garden.
Greeting Howard and Felicia and
Mark and Tif and Dee Dee.
Greeting sunflowers,
And earth creatures.
Kids volunteering for the planet.
The plants,
Our interconnected ecology.
Connecting our climate, subways, bikes
and trees,
Places for water to recede.
To pour back into the ground,
And rise back into the sky.
If we can see a vacant lot as a
We can see a city as a place for a
new ecology.
The gardens of the Lower East Side still thriving,
While the bulldozer hotline sleeps.
Gardens on the periphery remain in danger from office towers
And Haven Green.
Years after Francoise passed.
Grieving for Esperanza gone in 2000,
Fearing for Elizabeth Street Garden,
Endangered in 2019,
Without disappearing.
But we all eventually go.
Everything is temporary.
Stephen said we are no different from the plants,
We are the planet.
We are the plants,
The dirt.
The sky.
The plants decaying into the dirt.
Flowers born again and again each
Rising from the dirt.
Seeds emerging.
People walking.
Riding their bikes.
The dancers shaking.
The flowers.
The kids singing.
The mothers,
The worms.
The soil.
The plants offering solutions.
Sustaining our city.
Green gardens in a concrete jungle pointing us toward
Something we could live within.
I loved the gardens I found here,
Walking through the city.
A little life outside the concrete.
Plants growing from the ground.
Reminding us,
Ridding us of the amnesia.
Vines reminding us of what lies beneath.
Our hopes and lives.
The ecological city we created from the rumble.
Hoping for this city.
Battling extinction.
Watching developers pave away our future.
Bulldozing Elizabeth Street.
Razing East River Park.
Cars clogging,
Colliding with human powered
Heating the planet.
But there is another city we can all experience,
Walking down the street,
feet extended from the dirt.
I had to do a double take when I saw these legs extending out of the air,
surrealist moments and earth celebrations everywhere.
But there is another city we can all experience,
Walking down the street,
feet extended from the dirt.
I had to do a double take when I saw these legs extending out of the air,
surrealist moments and earth celebrations everywhere.
What will become of the Eco City?
Can we take the steps toward an
ecology of the mind?
Gregory Bateson posits:
“The major problems in the world are the result of the
difference between how nature works and the way people think”
On Mother day,
Earth the garden, save the the earth!!!!
Save the witches
Save the trees.
Save the
the druids in the trees.
Save the spirits.
Save the gardens.
Stir it up,
Little darling.
Mom had three
boys. Her sister had three boys. She was surrounded by boys. Decades later she
has lots of grandkids, including a couple here in Brooklyn. Life changes.
Here's to my mom, who had my brothers and me, to the mother of my kids, and all
the mother's out there who never had kids, the mothers who took care of
communities, the goddesses everywhere. We all come from the goddess!!!!!
“The rules of the universe that we think we know are buried deep
in our processes of perception,”
“We create the world that we perceive…”
Subject and object.
A few small steps toward another
ecology of the mind?
Or will we be consumed within MacWorld?
As my Extinction Rebelling comrades remind us:
“Extinction is Upon Us –
A major
UN report presents a sobering account of a planet in crisis:
million species at risk of extinction,
and marine ecosystems in crisis, and biodiversity at the brink.
and powerful corporations defend business as usual while our home is
If we needed another reason to rebel, this is it.
In the face of this crisis, Extinction
Rebellion NYC demands that
our government tell the truth, act now, give power back to the people, and
ensure a just transition.”
Will we move toward an ecological city?
On Saturday we imagined.
City is a cultural and
climate action project engaging the Lower East Side community through creative
strategies co-creating a theatrical pageant and environmental actions to
develop and bring together climate resiliency and ecological sustainability
plans, policies and solutions within the gardens, neighborhood and
waterfront of the Lower East Side of New York City, and its contribution to
city and global climate challenges.
the Lower East Side community through creative strategies, co-creating a
theatrical pageant, to celebrate and bring together climate resiliency and ecological sustainability solutions throughout the gardens, neighborhood and
East River Park waterfront, and their contribution to city and global climate
@ Sixth Street Community Center – 638 E.
6th Street (btw. Aves B & C),Lower East Side, NYC
@ 11th Street NE Corner btw. 1st and Ave. A
Song for the Earth – Compost Ceremony
@ 12th Street btw. Aves A & B
Upcycling Dance by Artichoke Dance Company
Choreography: Lynn Neuman – Artichoke Dance Company
Dancer Credits: Shawn Brush and Genna Mergola
Artistic Director of Artichoke Dance Company founded in 1995. Artichoke has
held seventeen New York seasons and toured nationally and internationally.
Since 2005, the company has presented at Danspace Project at St. Mark’s
Church, PS122, 92nd Street Y, Dixon Place, American Theatre of
Actors, University Settlement and Symphony Space, as well as at festivals
including Fringe NYC, Dance/Now NYC, DUMBO Arts Festival, the Philadelphia
Fringe Festival, and the Piccolo Spoleto Festival. Since 2010 their work has
focused on environmental issues and included large-scale upcycling projects
rooted in community involvement and education.
@ 610 E. 12th Street (btw. Aves B & C)
Art & Science Sustainability Spectacular
@ 12th Street btw. Aves B & C
Poem For Sustainable Urban Agriculture by Steve Dalachinsky
@ 9th Street & Ave. C (NE corner)
‘Song for Solar’ by Lower East Side Girls Club Choir
THE LOWER EAST SIDE GIRLS CLUB (LESGC) is a non-profit organization on
the Lower East Side connecting girls and young women to healthy and
successful futures. With a state of- the- art center, it offers a safe haven with
programs in the arts, sciences, leadership, entrepreneurship, and wellness for
Middle and High School girls and their families. Programs are offered at no cost
to all. Our mission is to break the cycle of local poverty by training the next
generation of ethical, entrepreneurial and environmental leaders.
@ 9th Street & Ave. C (SW corner)
Hurricane Sandy and Birth of Climate Solutions – Gardens, Rivers, and the
Ecological City – Mythic Drama
Pollution Pick-Up – Jim Simopoulos
Pollution Pirates – Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space with Time’s Up
Birth of a Garden Dance – Maira Duarte – Dance to the People
Battle of Pollution Pirates & Climate Consequences with Climate Solutions Spirits
– Choreography by Martha Eddy – 55C Studio & Global Water Dances with Earth
Celebrations volunteers and Climate Refugees by Rolando Politi
Rehearsal Director: Emily Forche
Music: Deixe Fofocar – directed by Glenn Healy
forms of art making. It was formed in 2014 in NYC by Mexican dancer and
choreographer, Maira Duarte, with the goal of accessing unutilized spaces and
promoting a sustainable exchange of resources within the dance and
performance community. DTTP holds and organizes donation-based class
series, environmental dance research outings, performance parties, and forums.
Eddy, CMA, RSMT uses body consciousness to enhance our capacity to protect
water, and in turn the planet. She is a co-founder of the biennial worldwide environmental dance event that brought 60 countries together in June 2011 and now has 120 sites registered (and growing) on 6 continents for June 15, 2019. She directs Moving For Life in
NYC which offers free movement and wellness class in all five boroughs for older
adults and people of all ages in treatment or recovery from cancer. Moving For
Life has its office and provides arts & movement programming for all ages at 55C
Studio which MFL developed to be the Lower East Side’s center for Somatic
Movement and the Arts. Martha leads movement choirs for conferences and
brings Global Water Dances to environmental justice actions that focus on local
or global issues. She is author of Mindful Movement.
@ 8th Street btw. Aves B & C
Bio-Swale Serenade by Elizabeth Ruf
@ Ave C btw. 8th & 7th St.
@ 8th Street btw. Aves C & D
Rina Rinkewich, Rosita Roldan & Rafaella Spielberg performing “Butterfly At Heart”
Music: “Nigun Ha Lev (The Heart’s Melody)” composed and played by Shlomo Shai
New York City and internationally. She was the director of the dance company
Return of the Sun (1999-2012) which performed in Earth Celebrations, a Hudson
River Pageant in 2010 and 2012. Rina currently teaches and leads Israeli Dance
in Brooklyn, N.Y. | Israeli Dancing with Rina Rinkewich
@ 4th Street btw. Aves C & D
Song for Clean Air and Water by Ayo Harrington
@ 4th Street btw. Aves C & D
Wellness Ceremony – Lifestyles of Bioremediation, Symbiosis, Regenerative Culture, and Wellness
Soundscape: Tess Rose
MoS Regenerative Culture Village Center & EV Wellness Circle joined by Expressions of Regenerative Culture by Parsons Sustainable Systems students taught by Kimberly Tate and Maika’i Tubbs
Song for the Healing of the Earth by Marta Vi
with El Jardin del Paraiso Garden to convene with gardeners to design and
develop a sculptural work incorporating the gardens’ natural materials and bio-
remediation techniques of dirt fermented with effective microorganisms. The
sculpture dissolves in the river and serves to revitalize the polluted waterway.
She has developed bio-remediation art projects and educational workshops
engaging participants in the creation of “mudball” and “bio-spheres” made of dirt
fermented with microorganisms that improve health of soil and water. Her
workshops have been presented through artist Mary Mattingly’s SWALE, New
Museum, Waterfront Alliance, LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival and Harbor Lab and
events throughout New York City.
Neuman is the
DANCE TO THE PEOPLE is an open collective
working in non-hierarchical
Dr. Martha
1:10 PM – Carmen’s Garden
RINA RINKEWICH, M.F.A. teaches dance and leads
events and workshops in
Artist/Environmental Educator
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